Personal Taxation

If you are required to complete a self-assessment Tax Return, be that as a self-employed individual, in a partnership, a company director, in receipt of rental income or any other reason, we can assist.

We will complete and then file, with HMRC, your Self-Assessment Tax Return having made sure that you are claiming all of the allowable costs and expenses available to reduce your overall tax liability.

With Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Income Tax Self-Assessment (ITSA) set to apply for certain individuals from April 2026 (delayed from the original date of April 2024) it is worth giving some thought as to how it may affect you and how we can help.

If your total gross income from self-employment and/or property exceeds £50,000 in a tax year then from April 2026 you will need to comply with MTD for ITSA. The following year, from April 2027, those with an income of between £30,000 and £50,000 will also need to comply with the requirements.

Since April 2020 you must report and pay any Capital Gains Tax due to HMRC HMRCon UK residential property within 60 days of the completion. This is something that we can assist you with to make sure that the correct amount of tax is paid.